Specials are for dine-in only, no carry-out. Specials exclude holidays and special event weekends.
Daily Specials will not be offered February 14-16, March 14-17, and April 14-23.

Happy Hour
Thursday & Friday | 2 – 5pm | At the Tables & Bar
$6 Crushes
$4 House Wines, Rail Mixed Drinks, and Adult Slushies
$2.50 Coors Light and Miller Lite Drafts
$2 OFF All Drafts
$10 Appetizers

1/2 Price Steamers

Crab Cake Specials
$15 Crab Cake Sandwich
$20 Single Crab Cake Entree
$30 Double Crab Cake Entree

BOGO Desserts

1/2 Price Entrees